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Systematic Abominations
Haley Pearl | September 2, 2018

Systematic Abominations (2018).
"Puppet Master" (2018).
SoundChick's Thoughts:
I would like to point out that one of the band members (Chris Mauer, vocalist), is 18. After hearing that fact, were you impressed. I know I was. I honestly wouldn't have expected somebody that age to have that vocal range. Not only that, there is only one other band member to Systematic Abominations (Skylar Wanke, instrumentalist). So, it's good to know we have the 21 Pilots version of death/doom metal in our midst.
As a band that is just getting started and releasing new music, there will always be room for improvement. You're not going to make it big overnight. Anyone in the music industry would probably attest to that.
From this genre (death/doom metal), I mainly listen to the obvious choices: Chelsea Grin, Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus, Opeth, Carcass, etc. If these bands had a massive love fest, Systematic Abominations would be the outcome. Personally, I believe bands within the same genre of each other tend to mold together, so this wouldn't be surprising to me. However, the similarity does work for them. What they have released is good. I was extremely impressed with Mauer's vocal ability. He reminded me much of the same talent shown in Cannibal Corpse or Opeth. Like I mentioned before, they could be the 21 Pilots of this genre. They have the ability to become that, they just need to keep plucking along at it.
I believe Mauer and Wanke just want to share their love for this music and talent to the rest of the world. In that case, they are succeeding. You can obviously sense the passion and hard work in this song, and I'm honestly anticipating the EP to release in 2019.
*If you have not yet read my interviews with Mauer and Wanke, click here. Enjoy!*
"We put my sweat and Skylar's bloody hands into this..." -Chris Mauer (vocalist, Systematic Abominations)
"I can confidently say people won't want to miss it." -Skylar Wanke (Instrumentalist, Systematic Abominations)
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